Friday, August 12, 2022

Warning! Low Bridges Ahead!

 Day 20 - Wednesday, August 3, 2022 - Part I

Spruce Creek Campground, Salisbury NY

To get to Spruce Creek Campground today we go through quite a bit of varied scenery -- from cherry and pear orchards, dairy farms,  and sheep, to a twisty-windy road with steep hills and curves.

And we experienced some traumatic moments, when -- without prior warning -- we see a sign that reads, "Low Bridges Ahead."  Not one, but two.  So I think "How low?"   I see the sign that shows 10 feet and some inches -- (no photo because we are upon it so quickly) -- and I ask Herb, "How tall are we?"

Before he can answer, a construction worker walks in front of us and directs us to move forward.  He uses his hands, one above the other, to show us how much clearance we have.  Whew!  We make it on through!  At this point Herb explains to me that those measurements are for the lowest heights, but if you go through under the highest points, you will make it.  I sure wish they would label the highest points, also.  Then I could breathe a little easier.

Continuing the trip is a little more calm as we travel onto the Scenic Byway and go through the town of Greece, and then see an interesting sculpture in Rochester NY.

We are not out of scary territory yet, because there is a serious hill ahead, and a sharp curve to the right.  Not to worry!  Sweet Georgia Brown rolls on down the highway like she is right at home in this terrain.

Did I mention seeing sign after sign after sign warning about snowmobile crossings? Yep, we are in snow country, and I am reminded about the snow sticks we have been seeing that locate objects when the snow is higher than they are -- like a fire plug!  That would be important to find.


  1. OH, WHAT FUN! and the sights you've seen!
