Monday, May 4, 2015

First Communion Sunday -- 4/19/2015

On Sunday, April 19, Herb and I join Ed and Roxie for church services at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Pearland, and are invited to go early for breakfast. We learn that several others will use that time to prepare backpacks of healthy, nutritious food to distribute to 80 elementary students at a school the church has adopted as an outreach project.  The food will be given to children who qualify for the free lunch program at this school, which has a large percentage of low income families, and will provide them food for the week end.  The project is through Blessings in a Backpack group, whose slogan is "Feeding the Future of America, one School at a Time."

Those who helped with the the project formed an assembly line to stuff the backpacks, resorting to grocery bags for some.  Karsyn agreed to pose for the camera and is joined by her sister, Rilyn.

Tubs of Blessings in Backpacks 

Rilyn and Karsyn

A delightful surprise for me is to learn today's service will include First Communion of about twenty children, who are asked to come up to the altar to join Fr. Jim and participate in the service.  Oh, how cute they are dressed, and I can't help but smile at two young men in their suits and bow ties.

During the Offertory, he asks the two boys to play a song on the piano.  With one or two fingers, each plays "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know."  Parents are allowed to walk closer to take photos.  (I do the best I can with my phone camera at my seat.)

Each child is given a certificate of their having received First Communion.

During the Great Thanksgiving, Fr. Jim holds his hands out, explains why he does it, and asks the children to do the same.

Each child takes a yeast roll from a basket passed around and this represents the Priest's Host.

Especially impressive to me is Fr. Jim's explanation of why he moves his hands in and out at the words "All this we ask...."  He also shows the children how Jesus used two fingers when He gave a blessing, and the children follow that example as they bless their yeast rolls.

Finally, each child takes a turn to hold up the actual loaf of bread that we will be served at Communion.  There are smiles all around.

Willie of Willie's Tug,
   and of Walldog, Willie and Jake
   Sunday, April 19, 2015


  1. Cool, thanks for sending.

    1. Thank you for reading! How are you and are you at your summer cabin?
