Saturday, July 23, 2022

All Creatures Great and Small

 Day 7 - Thursday, July 21, 2022

South Marcum Campground, Rend Lake, Benton IL

Sweet Georgia Brown does get cooler weather - we wake to 68 degrees and are quite comfortable in just a long sleeve shirt as we begin our morning walk.  There are so many loops with several campsites, and a really nice bike trail that we find paralleling the highway.  We walk directly from our loop toward the bike trail.

As expected, we see lots of deer along the way.  We stop to watch them, and they stop to watch us.  In the second photo, it seems this animal's foot itches and he scratches it the only way he can.

Oh, my goodness!  I see a fawn with its spots.  He is so cute!  The animals feed for a time but as they scamper away, I see there are not one - but two fawns, one of which has been hidden behind the doe.

In summary, on today's walk we see 14 deer, one Little Rabbit Foo Foo, 2 Bambi, one skunk with its tail raised, no squirrels, and several birds.  We also meet a man riding a bicycle, and ask  if he is riding the entire bike path of 11 miles.  He replies that he has ridden from the town of Benton, which is 19 miles away just to get to the bike path.  He does have a couple of water bottles on the bike.

There is no photo of the skunk, as we tip-toe past him, hoping he will not notice us.

We quickly walk toward our campsite on Owl's Roost Loop.  We have enjoyed this beautiful campground, and look forward to continuing our trip to Boston and Maine.

Willie of Sweet Georgia Brown,
   and of Walldog and Willie
   Thursday, July 21, 2022


  1. You forgot the rooster following Herb around!

    1. It was quite an oversight. LOLOL

  2. Person you just called about it.July 26, 2022 at 3:41 PM

    Here's my comment!
