We later are overtaken by bikers as we walk across the Fremont bridge, so we know that some of them rode into town, as well. They had numbered tags on their shirts and logos of "Obliteride." What a great take off on Wasilla AK's husky race called Iditarod. So they aim to obliterate cancer.
Continuing our walk around the lake, we meet Adriana, who says she spells her name with one 'n.' We ask if she is part of the race, but she says no, that her father died from cancer and she just began wanting to run. She is in Seattle to visit her son, but lives in Chile, where her grandmother, Adrianna, is not responding well to cancer treatment. She again tells us how to spell the name -- the grandmother's name has two 'n's.' We have a delightful visit.
Our loop around the lake brings us to the south end, where we come upon a group having lunch. Their spokesman tells us they rode their bicycles from Baltimore to Seattle. Names of survivors, or those who have succumbed to cancer, are written in the stripes of their shirts.
4K on the spokesman's shirt refers to the 4,000 miles they rode.
What dedication!
Willie of Willie's Tug,
and of Walldog, Willie and Jake
Friday, August 11, 2017